The Northern Mutual Bank

The Northern Mutual Bank

A website and publishing platform built to promote the campaign for a mutual bank in the north of Ireland. The site integrates campaign tools, email newsletters and custom design and branding.

Bridget Meehan, Campaign Organiser, The Northern Mutual:

We picked to build our website because we knew they would be able to deliver the type of website we wanted. They had a solid track record of working with other successful campaigns which meant they came with the right kind of experience.

The team at really got the politics of what we wanted to do which was crucial to getting the right tone for the website design and format.

At each step of the way, we were kept informed, gave our feedback and discussed any concerns we had. They helped us tease out ambiguities and uncertainties we had about what we needed. They brought us to a point where we had an agreed site map that they could begin development on.

The time taken to plan in this way was time well spent and it gave us confidence from the outset that we were going to get a website that was fit for our purpose.

When it came to launching the site, they helped us develop a communications strategy that made it easy for us to promote our great new website.

Essentially, didn't just develop a website, they provided us with a complete web platform and digital campaign strategy.

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